We are Natural Resources Experts in exploring/extracting by-passed minerals and conventional/unconventional hydrocarbon resources/reserves in known mining and hydrocarbon producing areas around the world.


Oil & Gas

Minerals & Mining



Who We Are

Petroleum and Minerals, LLC is an independent  natural resources consulting and service company with a vast worldwide experience in recovering by-passed hydrocarbon and minerals resources and reserves around the world.

Global Reach

Headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA and Quito, Ecuador, we are able to quickly provide services throughout the Americas, as well as travel to other international locations in all the major oil and gas and mineral provinces around the world.

Our Commitment

Petroleum and Minerals, LLC is committed to providing independent third-party portfolio evaluations,  field studies, natural resources/reserves estimation, IOR/EOR advise and shale resources assessments.  Evaluations are performed through an integrated multi-disciplinary team of geoscientists, petroleum and mining engineers, and energy economists.


All information contained in this website is for advertisement and general information purposes only ♦PETROLEUM AND MINERALS, LLC, makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied regarding the outcome of any project or results obtained for a client ♦ Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

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